Last day of work

For this week that is, love it when this happens, work for three days, the off until monday again. then work for two more days, then off again for five days yet another time. What can you do but like the situation ;)

and yeah, I don´t normally write in english, but I felt like doing that just now. Feels kinda nice, and while I´m writing this I am actually speaking english to myself, out loud even! odd, but a nice break from the normal stuff...

Am looking forward to a calm afternoon of TV shows, and just relaxing while doing it.
Also looking forward to having lunch/dinner with a co-worker that I havent talked to in a while, always nice to catch up on thing to take my mind off the normal energy consuming stuff that´s in my head. I like it :)

also, the tattoo is itching like hell! wish that would stop soon, but it takes time to heal, I get that.

But still, itch that you can´t scratch.. fucking annoying.

Now, time for some TV making history!



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